Fame | Channing Dungey net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
Does Channing Dungey have any children? What are the names of Channing Dungey's children? What are the ages of Channing Dungey's children?
Channing Dungey Children: 2
How old is Channing Dungey? When is Channing Dungey's birthday? Where is Channing Dungey born? Where did Channing Dungey grow up from? What's Channing Dungey's age?
Channing Dungey Born: March 14, 1969 (age 54years), Sacramento, California, United States
Is Channing Dungey married? When did Channing Dungey get married? Who's Channing Dungey's married to? (Who's Channing Dungey's husband / wife)?
Channing Dungey Spouse: Scott Power
How about Channing Dungey's parents?
Channing Dungey Parents: Don Dungey, Judy Dungey
How about Channing Dungey's sibling?
Channing Dungey Sibling: Merrin Dungey
How about Channing Dungey's education?
Channing Dungey Education: UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television (1991), MORE
Where is Channing Dungey now?
Highly esteemed TV industry leader Channing Dungey was named Chairman, Warner Bros. Television Group, in October 2020, and started her tenure at the Studio in January 2021. In this role, she has creative responsibility for all of Warner Bros.
Who is Channing Dungey husband?
Personal life. Married to Scott Power since 2003, Dungey serves on the Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF) Board of Governors. She became an honorary member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in 2023.